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Read online book Psychic Self-Defense : The Classic Instruction Manual for Protecting Yourself Against Paranormal Attack in DOC, MOBI, FB2


After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack in the 1930's, famed British occultist Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual on protecting oneself from paranormal attack. This classic psychic self-defense guide explains how to understand the signs of a psychic attack, vampirism, hauntings, and methods of defense. Everything you need to know about the methods, motives, and physical aspects of a psychic attack and how to overcome it is here, along with a look at the role psychic elements play in mental illness and how to recognize them. This is one of the best guides to detection and defense against psychic attack from one of the leading occult writers of the 20th century.

Download book Psychic Self-Defense : The Classic Instruction Manual for Protecting Yourself Against Paranormal Attack by Dion Fortune DOC, PDF, DJV

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