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The Book Lovers' Anthology : A Compendium of Writing about Books, Readers and Libraries (2016, Paperback) download book FB2, DOC, TXT


"A blessed companion is a book a book that, fitly chosen, is a lifelong friend. Douglas William Jerrold " " Much reading is like much eating, wholly useless without digestion. Robert South " " If I had read as much as other men, I should have been as ignorant as they. Thomas Hobbes" Can books corrupt? Do badly written books sharpen or dull the minds of their readers? Ought we to take seriously the old saw that excessive reading can damage one s sight? "The Book Lovers Anthology "offers answers to these questions and many more with a remarkable collection of reflections on books, readers, and libraries by writers whose books are among the world s best known and best loved. Throughout the centuries, books have been a source of fascination and sometimes frustration for writers. Between the covers of the "Anthology "are excerpts from the novels of Jane Austen, George Eliot, and Jonathan Swift, among many others, all of whom paused in their fiction to extol the virtues of the written page. Those who are taken with the smell of books will find a like mind in Charles Dickens, who waxed poetic about the pleasant smell of paper freshly pressed. Very avid readers might even nod in knowing agreement with John Donne, who declared, I shall die reading. Other poets whose musings on libraries or books are excerpted for the "Anthology" include Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Milton, and Chaucer. These writings are interspersed by the meditations of essayists and diarists of centuries past among them, Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, John Ruskin, and Michel de Montaigne. With contributions from major writers across ages and genres, this is an essential anthology for which any bibliophile will want to find space on the shelf.", A blessed companion is a book--a book that, fitly chosen, is a lifelong friend."--Douglas William Jerrold "Much reading is like much eating, wholly useless without digestion."--Robert South "If I had read as much as other men, I should have been as ignorant as they."--Thomas Hobbes Can books corrupt? Do badly written books sharpen or dull the minds of their readers? Ought we to take seriously the old saw that excessive reading can damage one's sight? The Book Lovers' Anthology offers answers to these questions and many more with a remarkable collection of reflections on the book--by the writers whose books are among the world's best known and best loved. Throughout the centuries, books have been a source of fascination--and sometimes frustration--for writers. Between the covers of the Anthology are excerpts from the novels of Jane Austen, George Eliot, and Jonathan Swift, among many others, all of whom paused in their fiction to extol the virtues of the written page. Those who are taken with the smell of books will find a like mind in Charles Dickens, who waxed poetic about the "pleasant smell of paper freshly pressed." Very avid readers might even nod in knowing agreement with John Donne, who declared, "I shall die reading." Other poets whose musings on libraries or books are excerpted for the Anthology include Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Milton, and Chaucer. These writings are interspersed by the meditations of essayists and diarists--among them, Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, John Ruskin, and Michel de Montaigne--of centuries past. With contributions from major writers across ages and genres, this is an essential anthology for which any bibliophile will want to find space on the shelf.

The Book Lovers' Anthology : A Compendium of Writing about Books, Readers and Libraries (2016, Paperback) in FB2, DOC, PDF

To read the entire Search is to find oneself transfigured and victorious at journey's end, at home in time and in eternity too.", Marcel Proust came into his own as a novelist comparatively late in life, yet only Shakespeare, Balzac, Dickens, Tolstoy, and Dostoyevsky were his equals when it came to creating characters as memorably human.Le Guin, and William Gibson.This is the tender story from the Gospel of Luke from which Spencer Reece has drawn the title of his mesmerizing collection-one that fearlessly confronts love and its loss, despair and its consolation, and faith in all of its various guises.A playwright recalls the magic of her first theater experience; a food writer revels in a coastal joint that serves fresh oysters.This book presents the Carmignac collection which boasts around 250 works of art from the 20th and 21st centuries.You can browse the entire Taking Sides Collection on Create, or you can search by topic, author, or keywords.Following this discovery, Percy collected further ballads and songs from a number of sources, which he published in this three-volume work in 1765, although ultimately only a quarter of the texts he presented came from that original manuscript.The author has amassed years of experience working with the cured meat traditions of Spain, and this book will surely become a standard guide for both professional and home cooks., Charcutería: The Soul of Spain is the first book to introduce authentic Spanish butchering and meat-curing techniques to the American market.